POSTED January 15, 1999
By Louise Ferry
Scripture Reading Romans 15:5
PUPPETS: Sally & Dad

DAD: (with fishing pole, swinging it around) What a beauty! I'll bet she'll catch twice as many fish as my old pole. (hits himself with pole.) Ooooweee!
SALLY: (comes from behind screen) Yeeeeahhh!
DAD: (scared, dad falls down)
SALLY: (looks where dad has fallen) You OK, Dadsy?
DAD: (comes up behind Sally) YES!
SALLY: (jumps) Don't scare me like that!
DAD: Me scare you? That yell of yours nearly gave me cardiac arrest.
SALLY: I'm in a bad mood. Cool Charlie called me a name, and if I ever see him again it's going to be too soon! .....I've told him 5 times this week not to call me names, and he still does it.....that Turkey face!
DAD: Now just calm down Sally. Cool Charlie is just teasing you--He doesn't really mean to hurt your feelings. He's just growing up and is going through a stage in his life where he thinks it's cute to call you names.
SALLY: He's about as cute as a 3-legged salamander....
DAD: That's not nice Sally. Salamanders have nothing against you, do they?
SALLY: No....I'm sorry.
DAD: You're just going to have to be patient with Cool Charlie. He'll grow up someday and then he won't call you names anymore.
SALLY: He'd better grow up, that mealy-mouthed br....
DAD: (interrupts) .....Sally! I think you have the same thing that Charlie has. Now you need to be patient with him, and I know a Bible verse that can help. Would you like to hear it?
SALLY: Yes, Dad. (sees fishing pole) Can I look at your new pole while you're telling it to me? (takes pole and begins to swing it around)
DAD: The Bible verse is I Thes. 5:14; "Be patient toward all" (repeats) "Be patient toward all."
SALLY: (looks at dad) Yeah, I guess I do need to learn that verse before I smack Cool Charlie. (repeats it several times & gets congregation to do it.) Well, thanks for that verse Dad. I think it's going to help me a lot. (smacks pole against floor) Oooops....
DAD: (in rage) Sssaaallllyyy....You broke my new fishing pole....
SALLY: (goes to dad and puts arm around neck) UH, dadsy...How would you like to hear a GREAT Bible verse about pa.......Maybe some other time huh....Gotta go--bye Dad. (starts to head off, turns and hands pole to dad.)
DAD: 8....9....10....11.....12.....13.....waaaahhh! (keels over backward.
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