POSTED February 06, 1999
By Louise Ferry
Scripture Reading Matthew 5:13-16
PUPPETS: Butch & Sally

SALLY: I hear you had an unusual experience at the store?
BUTCH: I sure did. I was standing in the EXPRESS LANE waiting to check out and it was taking a long time.
SALLY: Why should that bother you, Butch?
BUTCH: Well, I knew mom was going to begin worrying soon, but I had promised Grannie that I would get her some brown sugar on my way home.
SALLY: Oh, I see why you were beginning to worry.
BUTCH: Yes I was. But you know, while I was standing there in line these two elderly ladies in front of me began to talk. I couldn't help but hear what they said.
SALLY: It must have been something special for you to remember it.
BUTCH: Well, one lady said to the other, "I declare" she said complaining, "that grandson of mine is good for nothing. His folks hire their lawn mowed while that kid sits in front of the TV all day. Then the other one said, "Yep, this younger generation is spoiled rotten. Good for nothing is right."
SALLY: Boy, I bet you were fuming?
BUTCH: I sure was. Then I got done and stopped by Grannies and gave her her sugar. She even tried to pay me for stopping and getting it. I wouldn't take it and put my hands in my pockets. When I got home mom was getting ready to leave and asked if I would watch my little sister. I said I would cause I could do that while I was trimming the hedge.
SALLY: I remember what happened last night at the supper table. You started sharing your story of what those ladies had said. Then dad spoke up and said, "well, they have a point". Mom almost dropped her fork.
BUTCH: Yes, I saw that. It was funny.
SALLY: Then mom spoke up and said to dad, "Are you saying Butch is good for nothing?" Dad responded with, "Butch, didn't you run an errand for Grannie today? How much did you get paid?" You said, "nothing".
BUTCH: What was I suppose to say. That is what I got paid.
SALLY: Then dad said, "And then you baby-sat with your little sister for mom and it looks like you trimmed the hedge for me. What did you get paid for those jobs?" And you said--
BUTCH: Nothing
SALLY: The dad said, "Then I guess you're GOOD for NOTHING, Butch" Then he laughed. "And I reckon there are a lot more kids out there who are just as GOOD for NOTHING as you are" he finished.
BUTCH: Boys and girls, do you expect to be paid for everything you do? Start doing one good deed every day for NOTHING. In heaven you will be rewarded for the things done for nothing. Bye everyone.
SALLY: Bye, Butch. Bye boys and girls. (puppets down)
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