Preached May 20, 1990, morning service New Winchester Missionary Baptist Church Danville, Indiana
Dr. Arthur G. Ferry, Jr., Pastor
Whose responsibility is it for you to put on the whole armor of God? Yours! The Bible doesn't say, "Call your pastor and let him put on the whole armor of God for you, to get you dress up for the day of battle, lest the devil get you." He says, "You put it on." And when you don't put it on, Satan sees you in the battle zone and fills your mind with fiery darts of poison and your heart with poison and your life is spiritually corrupted because of your refusal to avail yourself of the divine protection that God has given you.
When we do that the whole world stinks.
It's like the grandfather that went to sleep in his bedroom and his grandchildren put limburger cheese in his mustache. How many of you know what limburger cheese smells like? It smells like rotten socks, that's what is smells like. Not good. And he woke up and he said, (whew), this bedroom stinks. He walked into the living room (whew) the living room stinks. He walked out on the front porch (whew) the whole world stinks.
When you do not have God's protection, everything is wrong and nothing is right, because you have refused to avail yourself of what God has given to you.
You put on the whole armor of God by reading the promises of God. The promises of God are powerful. The promises of God are personal. The promises of God are precious. The promises of God will assist you in prevailing against the gates of hell.
When you have fear the Bible says, "The Lord is my life and my salvation of WHOM shall I fear." "Of WHOM shall I be afraid." Are you concerned about your finances? The Bible says, "My God shall supply on of your needs according to His riches and glory." How many of you know the difference between needs and greeds. There's a lot of difference.
Some of you are fearful of addictive habits. I want you to know that "greater is He that is in you, than he that is in the world."
Some people fear death. I don't fear death because of the promises of God. I have a hope that is steadfast and sure. The Bible says, "He that believeth on me shall never die." I'm not going to die. I'll get older. My physical body will wear out and they bury it in the ground, but my last breathe here will be my first breathe there as I go to spend eternity with God. I'm never going to die. So, I'm not getting older, I'm getting closer.
Are you afraid of sickness. The Bible says, "I'm the Lord thy God that heals thee." When you're looking for God's anchor it's not found in the Wall Street Journal, The Indianapolis News or Star. It's found in the Word of God. And if you will turn the television off and turn on the fountain of hope, you could sing a new song and dance a new tune because there is joy, hope and peace in the Word of God.
Do I have hope. I have so much hope that when I get up in the morning I almost hurt myself. I put on the breastplate by knowing the standard of God's righteousness. Righteousness is God's standard for living. The world has a standard, it goes like this. "If it feels good, do it". God has a standard, "Without holiness, no man shall see the Lord." God has a standard about everything. What does God think about lying? "All liars shall have their part in the Lake of Fire." What does God think about homosexuality? He calls it an abomination. In Lev. 18:22 He says, "Thou shalt not lie with mankind, as with womankind: it is abomination." So what happens to those who do? In Lev. 20:13 the Lord says, "If a man also lie with mankind, as he lieth with a woman, both of them have committed an abomination: they shall surely be put to death; their blood shall be upon them."
And we sit an say, A.I.D.S is not a punishment from God upon the homosexual. How do we handle, "...they shall surely be put to death; their blood shall be upon them."
What does God think of capital punishment? He started it. He has a standard and it's in this Book. (Bible) Blessed is the nation whose God is the Lord. When I'm depressed should I go down to the Crystal Pistol and get drunk or shall I open the fountain of blessed hope and read it.
My wife is late with supper for the 3rd night in a roll, shall I pout, like I usually do, or shall I go in and help her. The Bible says, "Husbands, love your wives, even as Christ loved the church and gave Himself for it."
Today the 3 principles of warfare are these.
Victory is near the edge of the sword.
Then we'll talk about
Read with me Eph. 6:11-14
Let's pray. Father, thank You for Your Word, may the Holy Spirit bring it to our hearts today, with a freshness that will transform us. In Jesus name and all of God's children said, praise the Lord. Amen
Principle number 7. There is no substitute for victory. (say that with me) There is an alternative to victory, the alternative is defeat. But there is no substitute for victory. I want you to hear this. Most Christians live with half victories, because they think total victory is not possible. I'll live with some peace but not total peace. I'll live with some healing, but not total healing. I'll live with some financial provisions, but not all financial provisions.
Do you know why God provided total peace? Do you know why He promised total healing? Do you know why He promised total victory in our lives. Because Jesus Christ went to the Cross, He did not win a half victory. A three quarters victory, He won the total victory over death, hell and the grave. When Jesus Christ climbed calvary's hill, it was not for a summit conference, to say "maybe I can take some of the pain out of life and living." "maybe I can take some of the fear out of death and dying."
When He came away from the cross, He was the champion of the cross. He was victor over death, hell and the grave. He arose and sat at the right hand of His Father, with all power and all glory and He said to the church, "I give you all authority". Why did He say that? He introduced satan earlier as someone who had authority. He said it because he went to the cross and took all of satan's authority away from him and He gave it to every member of the church. And He said, "When you are harassed by fear, when you are harassed with doubt, when you are harassed with sickness, I want you to use My name, I want you to use My authority and I give you total, absolute victory over every thing that satan has to throw at you.
Amen, bless the Lord.
Because Jesus won the total victory, all of my sins are forgiven. How many? ALL OF MY SINS ARE FORGIVEN. Somebody said to me awhile back, "You have to go back and get forgiveness for those things that happened before the cross." WRONG. If Jesus forgave me, they are forgotten and forgiven. And don't you dredge them up. Never. Don't you ever go behind the cross.
Because He won the total victory, all of my fear of death, hell and the grave is gone. Why? On resurrection morning when death's prisons bars are broken, I'm going to fly away to be in the presence of God. That's why. Because of His total victory. I can be healed of all sickness and disease. Not just headaches, but totally healed. God can heal a cancer just as quick as He can heal a headache. I believe that.
I have all authority over the powers and principalities of darkness because Jesus has given me all authority, because He won all authority at the cross and He has given it to me and because of that, aged, arthritic grandmothers can kneel down on their swollen knees at night and point their crooked, aged finger at satan and whisper the majestic name of Jesus, and when they whisper that majestic name, every demon in hell trembles because of the power and authority behind that name.
Think about it. It is something to be happy about, we are not partial winners, WE WON IT ALL. When Jesus came from the cross it was a slam dunk for the kingdom of God.
Hear me church. In the Word of God there's no substitute for victory---there is no middle ground--- there is no 38th parallel-- it is either right or wrong. You are either saved or lost. You are either going to heaven or you're going to hell. One of those 2. You are not kind of living right and kind of living wrong. It is not that you'll repent to some extent, you'll be saved to some degree. You are either in with God or you're out side of God. "He that is not for Me is against Me." "I have not come to bring peace," He said, "but a sword." A sword divides, it splits, right and left. If we are soldiers, we either win or lose. There is not substitute for victory. (say it with me) There is not substitute for victory over the devil, he's a roaring lion, and you can't talk things over with a lion.
He's a liar and you can't talk things over with a liar. You cannot make deals with a liar.
Principle 8.
What do you mean by that? If the enemy is a thousand miles off there can be no conflict. If there is no conflict, there can be no conquest. When the enemy is so close that you can smell him, smell his breathe. How many of you know that's close? When you can see the whites of his eyes.
WHEN THE EDGE OF YOUR SWORD IS ON HIS. And his is right there--(have sword out and show edge. And the sparks are flying. Victory is close. Victory is close to the edge of the sword. You don't fight battles long distance. You fight them eye to eye. This close (hold up hand with finger and thumb.) And the only way you are going to whip the devil is to look him eye to eye and take him on, one on one.
The greatest battles you will fight will be one on one. Jesus fought His in the Garden of Gethsemane and the day will come when you spiritually are going to have to endure the greatest storm of your life and it's going to be you and Jesus in the greatest fight you've ever known. And I challenge you to hear this word and put it in your spiritual pantry. When ever satan roars out against you, like a lion trying to intimidate you, do not be fearful and back up, take the sword of the Word of God, which has all authority over him, and lunge into the battle with joy and run him through, because God has already given you the victory over him.
Say, "I'm so glad for this opportunity to take your head off. (swish, and move the sword through the air). Don't wring your hands with worry and fear and intimidation. EAT HIS LUNCH! How many of you understand that? DON'T FEAR THE FIGHT! Leap into the fight. The Bible says, "Resist the devil and he will...." What? Flee. That's right. Flee.
Principle #9.
As soldiers we must learn to celebrate the victory
that Christ has won at the cross. Winning the victory is one thing. Celebrating the victory is something else. Christ won the victory at the cross. But it is seldom celebrated.
How many of you were alive when World War 2 ended. Let me see your hands. America won the victory of Germany and Japan. Americans were in the street shouting for joy.
Crying with happiness. The axis powers had been defeated and life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness was guaranteed for all of us. In our family church they grabbed the American flag and went up one aisle and down the other singing God bless America, land that I love. And they were crying for joy. Why? That War was no party. If we had lost we all be goose stepping right now. It was not just another military police action. If we lost it, it was winner take all. And that's the last war we fought like that, by the way. And when we won the victory over the Axis power, people were thrilled to death. They were joyous and ecstatic because of what had been won for them by the American fighting forces on the battle field.
Let me tell you something. Most Christians don't know how to celebrate the victory of the cross. Paul tells us that we need to learn to celebrate in 2-Cor. 2-14 he says, "but thanks be to God who always leads us in the triumphal procession in Christ and through us spreads the fragrance of the knowledge of God." I want you to hear 3 words, ALWAYS, TRIUMPHAL PROCESSION and EVERYWHERE. The message is "it's always appropriate to celebrate the victory of the cross everywhere, even in church. Many times people go to church--and once in a while someone will say, "Thank you Lord for the cross" (low voice) Very mild, subdued, unemotional.
When you look at the average congregation in America on Sunday morning you can't tell if you're at a wake or a worship service. THE FROZEN CHOSEN at the church of the FIRST FRIGADARE with DOCTOR POPSICLE saying something very cool.
Paul said, "Having a form of godliness but denying the power thereof" Sanctified---dignified--- petrified---and as dead as last years bird's nest. Hear me saints of God, it's time to celebrate. It's time to shout the victory that Christ has won at the cross to the 4 corners of the earth. It is time for us to celebrate in the victory parade, and celebrate the victory Christ has won for us--- we are free from satan's tyranny---sin doesn't have any dominion over me----sickness has no dominion over me---I have peace and prosperity, by the authority of Christ Jesus---EVERY DEMON IN HELL IS SUBJECT TO THE WORDS THAT I SPEAK OUT OF MY MOUTH--- It is time to rise and lift the blood stain banner of Jesus Christ high, and celebrate His holiness till all the world shall confess, HE IS THE LORD, to the glory of God the Father.
Now let's talk about the
What is the girdle of truth? In Paul's day, the Roman soldier wore a tunic and it was a loose fitting garment that he slipped over his head, had holes for his arms and struck him at mid-calf. The first thing the Roman soldier did when he saw the enemy coming, was to tuck that skirt into his belt. He had a belt that was the girdle that held on his sword. The sword of the word was held in the girdle of truth. He would take that skirt and tuck it into the girdle, because when that skirt was down it limited his mobility. How many of you have ever see a woman try to run in a tight skirt? That's the principle. When you don't have mobility, you don't have availability. The Lord says, "Come here and attack." You can't get there, to the battle field like that. You have to hike up your skirts. Get it under the girdle of truth--- now you're ready to fight.
As long as you have loose ends in your life, you're going to get killed. There were 2 battle technics for those who had on skirts. If the skirt was down, you could use it to pull the man down to the ground. If I was injured and lying on the ground and you came by me with your skirt hanging down, I could reach up and pull you down.
When I played football, we had jerseys that they made us put inside our hip pads. Because when you got hold of one of those jerseys, that was before tear always, they could pull you flat on your nose. So you stuck it in your hip pads to keep someone who had already been blocked and on the ground and out of the play, from reaching up and pulling you down.
What's the point? The point is, loose ends in your life will kill you. And some of you have many loose ends. Habits that you have never controlled. Attitudes that you have never arrested. Loose ends that in the day of battle, you run onto the battlefield and satan and his demons get a hold of them and pull you down on your face. And destroy every opportunity that you have.
A second battle technic was to take that skirt and lift it up over his head. What would that do? Blind him, and anyone could stab him a dozen different ways and he'd never see it coming. Paul said, "the first thing you do in battle, notice that he listed it first, the first thing that you do is hike up your tunic. Get all the loose ends up and get it under the girdle of truth and get ready to fight. Get all of the loose ends taken care of, so in the day of adversity you are able to stand. Why? Because if you do not the enemy will kill you.
The girdle of truth. This is not the Word of God, that's the sword. The truth is the Greek word--- "Ee-leeth-ia", which means honesty, openness, frankness and sincerity. Let me ask you a question. Are you sincere? Are you sincere?
Is your marriage based on truth. Truth, sincerity, honesty. Let me shock you. Most Christians lie, cause they don't have the courage to be truthful. They say, "I love you brother", because they don't have the courage to say, "You and I have a problem and we need to get it resolved today." Do you hear what I'm saying? We call it diplomacy, we call it tach, we call it social grace. God says you're a liar. And there is a lot of difference between a liar and social grace. You have pitiful relationships because they are built in the corruption of dishonesty. Christians walk up to someone and say, "You're so special" and walk around the corner and say, "Have you ever met such a jerk?" Have you ever seen that happen?
We pretend to be far more spiritual than we are. Are you personally living in truth? Are you? Some of you are pretending to be cool, calm and collected and in charge--but the fact is inwardly you are falling apart. You are confused, fearful, lonely, uncertain, depressed and discouraged. Inwardly you panic at the thought that someone might discover the secret sin that's your in. Your hidden faults. You franicly try to pretend to be sophisticated---God says "fraud, fraud"
Hear me. In Jesus name, stop pretending. Start living in truth. Gird up the loins of your mind and put on truth. Jesus loves you, faults and all. We love you, faults and all. You can go home today, happy, laughing, free from guilt. Free from fear of being discovered, because we will forgive you, in Jesus name and let you experience the joy of the Lord that is like nothing on this earth. Jesus is the real thing, He's in this church and we want you to find Him. It can happen. Be honest, be real, speak the truth in love. Can we stand.