"Enjoying the Journey "
I Peter 5:7
What is happening here this morning is life, it is not a dress rehearsal for
life, this is life. This one's it. This is your one shot into mortality, until
you reach immortality. This is it.
Jesus said in John 10:10, "I have come that you might have life.." [did He not
say that], and what kind of life? "More abundant life" There are a lot of
Christians that are making statements like this, "Well, I'm going to heaven when
I die." And that's it. Or, "If I can just make it in, then I'll be happy."
Or, "Pray for me that I'll get there." Don't they?
There are 2 roads that men travel, the Bible says there is a broad way & there
is a narrow way. There is something about this that confuses me. There are
people on the broad way leading to destruction that are acting like they have
more than those on the narrow, God's way.
I want to preach to you this morning on "If you're going to hang out on planet
earth & serve God, you might as well go ahead & enjoy the journey.
I want to talk about it a little while this morning. [go get bag]. Now trust me.
Don't be nervous. Now I was thinking about something today coming to church.
[walk around bent over with bag over shoulder]
I Peter 5:7 says, "Casting all your cares upon Him." "Casting all your cares
upon Him, because He careth for you."
Now too many people understand the Gospel to say, that when they are saved, that
it is the most disheartening thing in ones life. In the first place, quit
smiling, cause your not suppose to be happy. There are a lot of people who
think being saved is looking mad. Then I know a lot of people who are saved &
claim to be happy--dear God they need to notify their face.
Now I was thinking this morning while coming here, here's this fellow coming to
service & he's the pastor & he's carrying this bag. And John sees me & he says,
"pastor, what you doing with this bag on your back?" So I say, "John, these are
all my cares, all my burdens & all my trials. This is all my heart aches---I've
had a rough year up to this point. Now don't laugh, I've had a bad year. I've been carrying these for the first 4 months of the year & I'm going to carry them
right on into 1998."
So John says, "You kind of look all bent over from carrying those things. What
are you going to preach to the people today?"
"Oh, I'm going to preach to them victory!"
Victory. "Art, that load looks a little bit heavy on your back." "Well, it's
pretty heavy John, I've been carrying them all year. In fact I've got a few
more that I didn't get till lately. They are all on my back."
"Well, Art," John says, "How are you going to preach this morning with that load
on your back? I mean, how are you going to get up there & tell people about
victory with that big load on your back. How are you going to do it with that
big load on your back?"
Am I making a point with anybody in this building.
We sing, "take our burdens to the Lord," but we don't leave them there. Right.
Right. So John comes up to me and he says, "Pastor, I want to tell you what
the Bible says. The Bible says, Art, I-Peter 5:7, Art, you don't have to carry
those burdens, Art. Cause the Bible says you can cast your cares upon Him,
because He careth for you."
Now, wait a minute John. These are mine, I earned them & I'm going to carrying
them. Now how would it look if I didn't carry them. Now there is a
denomination that says I'm suppose to carry them. They say I'm not suppose to
be too happy. They say I'm not suppose to be prosperous. They say I'm not
suppose to smile. They say I cannot really have the victory. Because about the
time I get up & think I have the victory, someone kicks me right back down &
says, "Where are your burdens boy?"
John says, "Pastor, I don't think you can preach this morning with that big bag
on your back. Let me help you." So I say, "do you mean it?" In fact, John
says, "Why don't you give me the bag." [motion for John to come up] Now this
is your moment. Now you say, "I'm going to take it & I'm going to carry it for
you." Now you carry it. [give to John] Now you just stand there & hold it for
me. Like that [over shoulder].
Suddenly, I'm not bent over any more--right. I'm standing up straighter---the
it- [point to John] John has got the bag. Then if he's going to carry it----I
don't have to carry it! Right? So I'm going to let him carry it and I'm going
to go walking right on down the road, because he said, "I will carry your
Thank you John. Now I want to say this morning, that's what God says. [no I'm
not taking them, you said you would take them. You said you would carry them.
You said you would lift them off of me. Thank Goodness Jesus took my burdens
& I don't have to carry them any more.
Not only does God save your soul, God saves your life. We've got too many
Christians riding in the cold cattle car, when they have a first class ticket
in their pocket.
True story. There was a man in Los Angles a few years ago that they found dead
in an old rat infested rooming house. Do you know what he died of? He died of
starvation. Starvation. The investigators went inside that house & they
noticed a big lump in the mattress & they cut it open & it had over 500,000
dollars in it, that the old man had accumulated in his life time, but every
time, he would just stuff it into the mattress. Think---true story.
A refugee from a foreign country cane on an ocean liner one time. He had been
given a first class ticket by a group of people. They not only carried people
in first class, but they had 2nd, 3rd, 4th &5th class & a cattle car area, for
cattle in this huge ocean liner. They found this young man shivering in the
cold ocean air in the cattle pen. When they discovered him, they said, "What
are you doing here?" He said, "I always ride in the cattle car." The man said,
"Do you have a ticket?" And he said, "Yes sir." He handed him a ticket & he
said, "Sir, why are you riding in the cattle car, you have in you possession a
first class ticket, that has been paid for you & you are riding in the cattle
A friend of mine parents had a little diner & every day a man would come in & he
was an old man who would wear a pair of khaki pants & he would wear the same
pants & he would order the same thing every time. He would order 1/2 a cup of
coffee. That's it. And as he left each time, he would always ask for the old
This went on year after year. His old clothes would get tattered & the lady at
the diner would say, "You ought to get those clothes cleaned up & get on
something else before you come into this diner again.
And so the next time he'd come in he'd have on a brand new pair of Khaki's, but
it would not be long before they are dirty & tattered & worn out. One day he
didn't come in, the next day he didn't come in, the 3rd day, & a week went by
or so & finally she informed the sheriff. She said, "I don't know what
happened. This man comes in all the time & he has on these clothes & he always
orders a 1/2 of cup of coffee & he always ask for the old newspapers & it was
winter time.
They checked on him & sure enough they found him. He was in a little old hole
in the wall house that had big air spaces & he would ask for the paper, cause
he would hang them up over the cracks of the wall to keep the wind from blowing
in. And they found him frozen to death.
But all around the room in the house was great big old bags, full of money. This
elderly man all his life, his inheritance & every thing else that would come in
& the checks that he would get, he would just cash them, get the cash & stuff
them in the bags. And it totaled $900,000. And he is frozen to death stuffing
newspapers in the cracks to keep from freezing to death.
I want to tell the church something this morning, the next 12 months are going
to be different than the past 12. If you want to just make it in, you can do
that. If you want to live your life just surviving, you can do that. If you
want to go thru life just barely making it, you can do that. But why in the
world would we sit in the cold cattle car of life's experience---when we have
a first class ticket paid for by the CHRIST OF CALVARY.
Number 1. Everybody say, Number 1.
1.) Your failures are planned by satan. Everybody say that. Your failures are
planned by satan. But your victories are guaranteed by God. Say it again. "My
victories are guaranteed by God."
Turn to your neighbor right now and say, "I'm a victor."
Isaiah 54:17, "No weapon formed against you is going to prosper."
I John 4:4, "Greater is He that is in you, than he that is in the world."
Romans 8:31, "If God be for us, who can be against us."
Romans 8:37, this is important, "We are more than conquerors thru Him who loved
Phil. 4:13, "I can do all things thru Christ which strengtheneth me."
Hebrews 13:6, "So that we may boldly say, the Lord is my helper, I will not fear
what man can do unto me."
Psalm 118:6, "The Lord is on my side, I will not fear what man can do unto me."
Psalm 56:11, "I God have I put my trust, I will not be afraid what man can do
unto me."
I've got news for you, the devil is under your feet this morning.
Number 2. Everybody say #2.
2.) The biggest enemy you will face in the coming months is not the
How many want to know what it is? ----- It is self!
One historian said, "I have met the enemy, it is me."
The biggest enemy you face in life is not your neighbor ----it is not the devil
--- it is yourself.
The devil is already defeated. I heard a phrase the other day, I think it is
just great. It says, "the devil is illegal"
Rev. 12:11, says, "They overcame him" Who? The devil. By the blood of the Lamb
& the word of their testimony.
Do you believe that?
I John 3:8, "For this purpose the Son of God was manifested that he might destroy
the works of the devil."
Col. 2:15, "And having disarmed the powers & authorities, he made a public
spectacle of them, triumphing over them by the cross." (NIV)
I want to say it again this morning "The devil is history."
Rev. 20:4 says, "And I saw an angel come with a great chain in his hand & he
bound up that old devil & he kicked him into the bottomless pit" The devil is
history, his outcome has already been guaranteed by God. DEFEAT!
Number 3. Everybody say #3. Boy your getting better. We are a pretty good
Nip----everybody say nip---tell your neighbor to say NIP--say nip.
Do you want victory for the rest of your life. Listen.
3.) NIP destructive thoughts----in---the---bud.
Did you know that all battles are fought in the mind? Nothing gets to the heart
till it comes thru the gate of the mind. The mind is the battle field. Trash
in---thrash out. Now listen to this, this is very interesting. Psychologist
have proven that you become what you dwell on. We say it, "You are what you
think." There isn't nearly enough preaching on this as there ought to be. This
is where the battles are won or lost. [point to the head] Right here.
I've said it before and I'll say it again. The worse thing you can do when you
are sick is to watch General Hospital. Well, it's the truth.
Some of you are saved, but Lord you are miserable. I've let the cares of life
burden me this year. There is something I need to say & that is, "I'm not just
preaching to you. It's mine. I have to hear from God-- I can't carry the
load....any more. And do you know what? By God's help & grace I'm not going
to. I'm rolling this thing off on Him. [the bag].
Too many people in the church that are Christians & they are going to heaven &
that's good enough. If I can just make it. But dear hearts if that's what you
want...that is you right ... that is your prerogative....That's fine, if that's
what you want.
THERE IS A BETTER WAY! I'll say it now as I said it in the beginning......THIS
IS LIFE, NOW. I mean, this is what it is, a lot of people, happiness is what
is passing you by, while you are waiting to be happy. Life's passing you by!
This isn't a dress rehearsal....this is it.
I want to be happy. I say God, "I just can't carry this. I think the world is
going to go to hell if I don't get it done. Me. I'm not being egotistical, not
in the least. But that's the burden I carry. I say it all the time....I've got
to do more. Got to preach more......got to have some revivals so I can preach
more.....got to preach harder than I've ever preached.
I eat & sleep & drink this thing. Go to bed with it. Like the world is going
to come to an end if I don't do a good job this morning. This is it. That's
the way you feel. I think sometimes it's going to kill me. You think that.
You see this is not a side line job for me, I do this full time.
This is real serious to me. It's like this is the most important sermon in my
life. And you know what, it is.
I've got to get more souls to God. I've got to find the key to some of you who
have never given your life to God. I've got to find that key where you are, so
you'll come to God before it's too late.
And Louise walked in & said, "Hon, you've done all you can do, turn it over to
THAT'S IT! I've done all I can do this morning, I'm turning you over to God.
I can't make you get saved. If you want to go to hell, bud, hook'em up and
head'em out. And I mean cut yourself one big swatch while you're doing it.
Because I can't stop you. If you are so enticed by hell, that you think it's
going to be some party....you are in for a surprise.
Because the way in the beginning may be broad with the devil & eventually it is
like a funnel & he will squeeze you in the end. And with God, the door inside
is narrow, because there is only one way, & that is Jesus Christ, but then when
you get inside, ..... it's big. And it's free, & it gets better, & better.....&
better.....& better.
So if you want to go to hell, ..... you can go. I can't stop you. If you want
to be defeated today & just say, "I'm going to get to heaven Art, I'll see you
there", then you can do that .....
Or you can make up your mind this morning---I'm going to roll my care off onto
Him & I'm going to start enjoying the journey.
I want everyone here this morning who would say, "I haven't been enjoying the
journey like I should have, but today this message is for me... when I count to
3, without one split seconds hesitation, raise your hand.....1,2,3.....put it
up, leave it up, leave it up.
How many in this room say Pastor Art, if Jesus were to come today, I know that
I know that I know that I'm ready to meet God. I have no doubt about it--I'm
ready----put your hand up .....God love you, ain't we going to have a great
time. Aren't we going to have a great time. Now you see me, whew... now you
don't. We'll be gone.
But the only thing better than going to heaven, is to take somebody with you.
Lock the doors, nobodies leaving, cause we are going to take you with us.
Doors are locked. Cause if you do, I'm coming after you. I'm going to come to
your house tonight at 3 am & I'm going to sit on the bumper of your car and say,
"Hey, I'm still waiting on you." Well, I can't do that, but the Holy Spirit
I had a guy one time get up right in the middle of the altar call and say, "Will
you shut up" I said "what" He said, "If you'll shut up I'll get saved right
now." Isn't that great. I said, Ok, bud, come on down here.
Now, quit looking for a way out, this is it---this is it right here....The bottom
line right here this morning is, "Pastor Art, if Jesus were to come right
now---I'm ready." Before we leave this morning I want to know "I'm ready." If
you don't know, you are not sure, you're a sinner, you're a back slider, you've
got unforgiveness against somebody, get that out of your life.
Every eye open, every head up, every body looking around. You mean they'll see
me? Yep. Yep, they are going to see you.
Jesus says if you confess Him before men, He'll confess you before the Father.
If you deny Me before men, I'll deny you before My Father which is in heaven.
I want everybody here this morning, if you are not sure & you want to be sure,
you put your right hand up on the count of 3 you put it up & I'll lead you in
the prayer....1,2,3 [slap hands] put it up and hold it there. [now stand up]
[step into the nearest aisle and come down here right now]
Come right now.....Let's pray.
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