Preached November 15, 1992, morning service First Baptist Church Garrett, Indiana
Dr. Arthur G. Ferry, Jr., Pastor
Turn with me to Hebrews 12 and we will begin at verse 24 as we talk today about the Blood that Speaks. The Bible is a Book of Blood. The only thing that gives our preaching power and life, the only thing that gives the Gospel power and life is the Blood of Jesus Christ. No person in this room and no one on planet earth knows the full extent of the power of the Blood of Jesus.
It is the power of the Blood that gives life to the Word. It is the power of the Blood that terrorizes Satan and every demon in hell. It is the power of the Blood that sets the captive free. It is the power of the blood that guarantees me my eternal salvation. You are not saved by religiosity. You can sing about heaven and still go to hell. You are not saved by morality. You are not saved by respectability. You are saved by the shed blood of Jesus Christ the only begotten Son of God.
It is the blood of Jesus Christ that has paid for my healing. I am not saved by church membership and you're not saved by baptism. You cannot be saved by doing good works. You can only be saved by the shed blood of Jesus, that is the only way of redemption. If you reject the blood of Jesus you bring the wrath of God to you and to your house. ""He who believes in the Son has everlasting life; and he who does not believe the Son shall not see life, but the wrath of God abides on him."" (John 3:36)
May the Lord reveal to us in His Word today the power of the Blood That Speaks, because the blood speaks to every person that is here. And I ask you today to listen to the voice of the Spirit, so that you are sensitive to what the Lord is saying in your life today. Hebrews 12:24 please; "to Jesus the Mediator of the new covenant, and to the blood of sprinkling that speaks better things than that of Abel."
That last phrase again; "that speaks better things than that of Abel."
Holy Spirit of God anoint us and let us see in this text the power of the Blood that Speaks. In Jesus name, amen. And all of God's children said praise the Lord.
Consider this first as we talk about the blood that speaks; That the life is in the blood. Moses wrote that in Lev. 17:11. Say that with me, "The life is in the blood". Physically our bones are stationary. Our muscles are stationary. The only moving part of our anatomy is the blood. It circulates thru the body every 23 seconds, carrying nutrients, carrying cleansing, carrying oxygen. And this is a very real medical fact. When the blood stops flowing, you die. I don't care how intelligent you are. How powerful you are. How many physicians you have, when your blood stops flowing, you'll be dead right where you are.
And so it is in the Body of Christ. When the blood stops flowing in the church, the church is dead. When the blood stops flowing in your testimony, you no longer have one, you become as a sounding brass and a tinkling cymbal. When you have a bloodless prayer, you have a powerless prayer.
We are not saved by meditation. And we do not have power by positive thinking. And we do not have power by channeling. And we do not have power by our morality. And we do not have power by visualization. We have power thru the shed blood of Jesus Christ, the Lamb of God.
The life is in the blood of Jesus Christ. And when churches stop preaching the blood of Jesus Christ, the church will die and become a godless cult. Without the blood of Jesus, the church is a tree without fruit. It is a cloud without water. And it is a well without water. What is the symbolism of communion, it is symbolically a blood transfusion from the throne of God. Jesus said, "this is my blood of the new testament, drink ye all of it."
Adam's blood was poisoned with sin. The virus of sin was in his veins. When you lift the cup of communion to your lips, worthily, and you drink it memorializing the blood of Jesus, every demon in hell sobs, we've lost him. We've lost that boy. We've lost that woman, we've lost that man. When you lift the cup of communion to your lips and you drink it into your body, there is a supernatural infusion of a life giving power from the throne of God.
I believe that in many of your bodies, right now, there are viruses looking for a place to take root. But when you take of that communion, the power and the anointing of God comes upon you and those viruses begin to run from the very presence of the Son of God. I believe that the power of Jesus Christ is greater than AIDS. I believe that it is greater than cancer. I believe it is greater than heart disease. Thank God for the power of the blood thru which I am saved and HEALED, glory be to the Lamb of God.
And than Paul says "if you drink the communion unworthily, you drink damnation to yourself, for this cause many of you sleep (meaning you're dead)." So the communion is a supernatural something and some of us have become so callas in the taking of it we have forgotten what we are doing. The blood demands our unity. As I said, the blood circulates thru your entire body thru majestic cardiovascular pump called the heart every 23 seconds. It demands our unity.
It is time for the Church of Jesus Christ to come together under the banner of His name and in the authority of His name, proclaiming the liberating Word of God and we could charge the gates of hell, in the blood of the cross, claiming victory for America, in our generation.
It demands our unity. Let me tell you something. If someone else believes that the Word of God is true and they believe that Jesus Christ is Lord and Savior and we are saved thru the shed blood of Jesus Christ, quit bickering over minor differences that make no difference. That's your brother and sister in Christ, let's come together and be what God intended for us to be-- -
Racial issues divide. When you open the pages of this Book, there is not a white church in this Book. There is no black church in this book, there is only the blood washed church of Jesus Christ, THAT'S THIS CHURCH.
And because when we are saved we are plunged into one body, by the blood of Jesus Christ. Like it or not, we are brothers and sisters. We are family. Say that with me (repeat). And the man or woman sitting beside you and in front of you and behind you is your brother or sister in Christ.
The Blood Speaks. The blood speaks, according to the author of Hebrews, better than Abel. The fact is Cain slew Abel. And Abel's blood was an audible voice in the ears of God. Just because we cannot hear the voice of blood, none the less, God says there is life in the blood. And God said to Cain, "The blood of your brother cries to me from the ground." And that blood lifting into the ears of God said, "Guilty". GUILTY, Cain is guilty. And God cursed Cain and his descendants forever, because he shed innocent blood.
America is a nation of some 250 million people and running down the streets of America is a river of innocent blood, of 30 million babies that have be butchered in America's abortion mills because of Roe vs. Wade. And that innocent blood cries out to God and says "GUILTY. AMERICA IS GUILTY." And America will not escape the judgment of God and it will not escape the wrath of God until there is a national repentance over the people we have murdered in the name of humanism. It is time for this nation to return to the God of our fathers, to the preaching and the practicing of the Word of God and to a time of national repentance, in Jesus name.
But the blood of Jesus also speaks. There are 2 voices in this text. The blood of Christ cries out from Calvary and that blood ascends to the throne of God and it says, "Mercy. MERCY. And Jesus when He ended His final moments of life said, "Father, forgive them for they know not what they do."
You are here today, and Satan is whispering in your ear, "You are beyond the brink of redemption. You've sinned too much. The stain of sin is too great for redemption." I want you to know it's a LIE. "What can wash away my sin, nothing but the blood of Jesus. What can make me whole again, nothing but the blood of Jesus. O precious is the flow, that washes white as snow, no other fount I know, nothing but the blood of Jesus". There is a new beginning in Christ. There is cleansing in His blood. You can be happy again and smile again, because Jesus is Lord over the powers and principalities of darkness, because of the blood of His cross.
Look at the scarlet stream of blood that flows from the gates of Genesis all the way through to and including the Book of Revelation. The stream of blood begins with Cain and Abel. As the Bible says, "By faith Abel offered a sacrifice that was acceptable unto the Lord". It was a lamb. Cain brought potatoes and beans and things he had raised and God said, "I'm not happy with that." At that moment, began a contest that lives to this moment in this congregation, it was a contest of doing it God's way, verses man's way. God said, "I have provided a lamb, except the lamb and receive redemption. But anything you try to do with YOUR hands, by works to be saved, is a futile attempt"
The blood continues to flow and as the scarlet stream goes for 16 centuries, with little Scriptural notice and then the flood and Noah's first act after the flood was the shedding of blood, for the removal of sin. Sin again prevailed and God called Abraham, a godly father, to take his only son Isaac, to the place of Mariah and sacrifice him and as he lifted his knife to thrust it into the breast of his only son, the hand of the angel stopped him, because the blood that was to be shed on that hill, was the Lamb of God, prince Jesus. On that same place called Mount Calvary. That day, he cut the throat of the ram that was caught in the thicket and the blood stream continues.
400 years pass, beautiful Joseph and his coat of many colors are sold into slavery. He is sold a second time into Potiphar'a houses. He is sent to prison, falsely accused of rape and by the hand of God he became prime minister of Egypt in a day. His family came to Egypt and a family became a nation. How were they set free? They were not set free by visionalization. They were not set free by positive thinking. They were not set free by good works. They were set free by the shed blood of the lamb, that was place over the door post to their homes, so that when the death angel came by, Moses said, "When I see the blood, I will pass over you."
The blood is our protection. The blood is our power. The blood is our passover. What can wash away my sins, (say it with me) nothing but the blood of Jesus.
The Old Testament stream continues. As every home that is consecrated, as every priest that is consecrated, as every male child is consecrated, there is the shedding of blood. The ride of consecration demanded a sacrificial lamb. The lamb must be young and he must be spotless. Without blemish, checked by the high priest. The high priest would then cut the throat of lamb and place it in a bowl and place his thumb in the bowl and his forefinger. Place his thumb and forefinger on the head of a goat, the scapegoat and that goat was led into the wilderness and when that goat died the sins of Israel died with it.
Jesus Christ began His public ministry, what did He say? "Behold, the Lamb of God that taketh away the sins of the world." Three and a half years later, God the high priest examined Him and found Him a young male, spotless lamb, His blood was shed and God put His hands in the blood of the Savior and took the sins of the world into the wilderness of nothingness and when Jesus died, my sins died. One thing God can never do, is remember sin that has been washed away by the blood of Jesus Christ.
At the Lord's Supper the scarlet stream continues. Jesus said, "The cup of the new testament is my blood, that was shed for you for the remission of sins. Drink ye all of it."
At Calvary, the Lamb was led to slaughter and the scarlet stream continues to run thru the Book of Acts. The Romans, the Corinthians, the Galatians, the Ephesians, the Philippians, the Colossians, the Thessalonians, Timothy, Philemon, Hebrews, James, Peter, 1st,2nd & 3rd John, Jude, and then the Revelator writes. "Unto Him that hath redeemed us, and brought us unto Himself, thru His own blood. Who has made us kings and priest forever, may there be glory, honor and dominion, unto prince Jesus Forever".
That scarlet stream continued flowing beyond the bounds of Revelation, it came into the 20th century. And in 1960, in a small Baptist church in Brazil, IN, that scarlet stream came by me and I plunged into it and instantly I became a new creature in Christ. My sins were forgiven, I surrendered to the ministry of Jesus Christ, and today, without apology, proclaim that Jesus Christ is the only hope for America, and His blood is the source of our power. Praise and honor to His name.
The author of Hebrews writes, "...without the shedding of blood there is no remission of sin" (Heb 9:22) Say that with me. (repeat) The blood of the cross is special blood. The blood at the cross was the blood of the virgin born Son of the Living God. Listen to me. If Jesus was not born of a virgin, He died in vain, because that made Him just another human being. The virgin birth is not a take it or leave it doctrine. It He was not born of a virgin, we are the most deluded people on the face of the earth.
I believe He was born of a virgin. I believe that He was conceived of the Holy Spirit. I believe that when He bowed His head and said, "It is finished" all the demons in hell sobbed and said, "we've lost the war. We've lost the victory. Death is no longer our trump card. The church is victorious over death, over hell and over the grave. And now all they have to do is lift their heads and say, "In the name of Jesus and by His shed blood", the gates of hell shake on their hinge because the victory is ours. It's finished at calvary thru the blood of the Lamb.
His blood is special blood. It is the precious blood of the only begotten Son of God. It is that blood. That blood and that blood alone can redeem me. It is the blood that flows from Emmanual's veins, it is that blood. It is the blood that cleanses from all unrighteousness, it is that blood. It is the blood that shackles the powers of darkness, it is that blood. It is the blood that conquers cancer and heart disease and every disease known to man, it is that blood. It is the blood that flowed from the veins of Jesus, it sets me free from guilt and from fear and from condemnation, it is the blood of the Lamb of God. Praise the Lord, for the blood of the cross.
The blood of Jesus Christ is the only way to salvation. If you are not saved by the blood of Jesus Christ, you are a heart beat away from the gates of hell. I don't care what you believe. I don't care what your philosophy is. I don't care what your denomination is. I don't care if you are staring into a piece of crystal with Shirley McLaine, YOU ARE LOST AND WITHOUT GOD.
One man might say, "You mean that when God sees me cry, that He will not forgive my sins." The Bible says, "that without the shedding of blood, (say it with me) there is NO remission of sins." If crocodile tears could remove sins, every actress in Hollywood would be Mother Theresa. You mean that even though I give all that I have to feed the hungry, that God will not forgive my sins. "Without the shedding of blood there is no remission of sins." If you give your body to be burned, God will reject the ashes, because they are not washed in the blood of Jesus Christ. Without the shedding of blood there is no remission of sin.
Another man asks, "If I obey the golden rule, won't God save me?" The answer is NO. You look shocked. I tell you, that the golden rule without the character of God is a license to steal. Do unto others as you would have them do unto you is done in every bar on Saturday night in Garrett and Auburn. When a drunk walks in and buys a drink for another drunk, he is doing unto others as he wishes others to do unto him.
(tell story of Don Buckner and his favorite saying, "I'm bad" because he is right. He is bad, I am bad, you are bad.)
Without the shedding of blood there is no remission of sin. That one verse puts every body in this world on the same level. It makes all men equal before God. I don't care how powerful you are, how educated you are, how rich you are, if you have not applied the blood of Jesus Christ to the door of your soul, Satan will devour you, he will devour your children, he will devour your health, he will devour your resources, YOU ARE LUNCH MEAT FOR THE ROARING LION, seeking whom he may devour.
But when you apply the blood of Jesus to your life, just one drop of it, Satan and every demon in hell trembles at the sight of the blood of the Prince of Glory, that has redeemed us from his dominion, (low) forever. Praise the Lord. The blood of Jesus Christ guarantees my salvation. "That God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in Him (say it with me) should not perish." Did you hear that last word. PERISH. Without the blood of Jesus Christ, you will perish. Perish. Perish in a godless eternity, looking, hoping, praying for deliverance from a eternal hell, and there is none.
I say this in closing. In the book of Ezekiel, the blood speaks. In Ezekiel 3 the Word of God says this, and I think about this every Sunday night, it says, "If the righteous man, proclaims the word, (that would be a preacher) and he proclaims the word of God to a man who does not know the Lord, (that would be some of you) and the man who does not know the Lord rejects the word, that man's blood is on his hands. But if I know you are in your sin and I do not warn you, than your blood is on my hand" And that blood says, "Guilty. Guilty. Guilty" and the blood on your hand says, "Guilty. Guilty. Guilty."
So the blood that speaks says this to me, tonight when I go home and wash my hands, I pledge to you that your blood is not going to be on my hands, because I tell you in the name of Jesus, If you have not received Him and have not placed the blood of the Lamb over the doorpost of your soul, you are lost in your sins and will spend an eternity in a godless hell. Every child can understand that.
Now let the blood speak and look at your hands, for the Lord says that when you reject Jesus, you do crucify the Son of God, afresh and anew, just as certainly as the Romans butchered the Lamb of God on Mount Calvary, do you crucify the Son of God afresh and anew in this place today.
So I ask you, WHAT WILL YOU DO WITH JESUS, WHO IS THE LAMB OF GOD and what does the blood on your hands say to you.