Preached October 20, 1991, morning service First Baptist Church Garrett, Indiana
Dr. Arthur G. Ferry, Jr., Pastor
It is certain that in the next few weeks we are not going to be able to extract all of the nectar from this precious rose in the Scripture. We will not plumb its depths nor climb its highest heights. But with Gods help we will show you some spiritual truths that can change your life forever.
(Read Luke 15:11-24)
We'll stop there today & take the things that God gives us for your lives.
Father in Jesus name, bless this powerful story & let us see ourselves within it, that we may be changed & transformed into the image of Christ. And all of God's children said, Amen.
I want you to notice first the departure of the prodigal son. Look at him. He is an accident looking for a place to happen.
He is the picture of arrogance, he is cocky, he is rebellious, he is impulsive, he is absolutely sure that he knows of the answers to life. How many of you have met this little fellow before? Don't look around.
The word prodigal means recklessly extravagant. Say that with me, Recklessly Extravagant. It doesn't mean someone who leaves home, it means one who is recklessly extravagant. If you allow your child to live in extravagance you are creating a prodigal son or a prodigal daughter. If you want a formula for creating a monster, here it is. "you give your child everything he wants, or she wants, when they want it, as long as they want it" and the day will come when that little creature will grow up a monster & look you right in the eye & say, "give me the goods. And give it to me now & give me all of it. I don't care what you want."
I want you to hear that, because that is happening in America. I'm sick & tired of hearing people say, "I'm trying to get my child what I didn't get." We are so busy giving them what we didn't get, we are not giving them what we did get. Your child needs to know something about thrift, something about work, something about integrity, something about getting up & providing for themselves. They need to hear that message.
If I would have said to my German daddy, "give me
all the goods I have coming to me." Shoot. The
next thing I would have heard would have been the
voice of St. Peter saying, "Welcome to heaven Stupid
The prodigal attitude is "I don't care about the
rules. I'm tired of hearing my father say, "get up
and go to church son." I'm tired of hearing my
father say, "get a job son". I'm tired of hearing
my father say, "clean up your room son." My mother
use to say, "Son, before you leave the house to
straighten up the world, you should at least
straighten up your room." That's a good principle.
I thinks that's good.
Look at him packing his bag with Jordash jeans and
designer shirts and Goocie shoes and he is bounding
down the stairs with a smirk on his face. He knows
how to live. This omnipotent one leaps down the
stairs of his poor ignorant parents who are social
creatents who are stumbling through life in a fog.
They don't know how to live, but he does!
And so he bounds out the door, leaps on the back of
his Honda, pops a wheelly. He's going to the big
city. Don't miss the fine points of this story.
Here is a boy who left home saying "Give Me." And
he came home saying "make me."
There is a lot of difference between those 2
positions. He left home saying Daddy O, and he came
home saying "O Daddy". There is a lot of difference
between those 2 positions. He left home a son, he
came home begging to be a slave. There is a lot of
difference in those 2 positions. You think life in
the far country is really the good life. But I'm
telling you it's hell on earth. The far country
will break your heart. The far country will crush
your dreams. The far country will send you back
home stinking like pigs. The illusion of the far
country is a demonic hokes. The good life is back
home with your father, under his authority, obeying
those stuffy rules because they will bring you into
the paradise of God.
The far country is not meant to be a place as much
as it is a condition of the heart. I want you to
get that. I really don't have trouble with a
atheist. Madolan Marie O'Hara has got more half
baked Christians to read their Bibles than 10,000
preachers. God bless her. Really. People knash
their teeth over Madolan O'Hara, but she is no
threat to God. I don't understand why she has
dedicated her whole life to fighting something that
doesn't exist.
You know, an atheist dies, gets all dressed up and
has no place to go. I read the other day of an
atheist prayer line, you dial it and get a busy
signal. And so it is, I don't have trouble with an
American pagan. Some bourbon breathe beast, smoking
a cigar about this long (hold up hands to show
size), with fire blowing out both of his nostrils.
I don't have trouble with a red necked renigade who
knows that he is a heart beat from hell. That
doesn't bother me.
But I do have trouble with children of the Father
who are in the far country, who are talking the
talk, but not walking the walk. They profess to
have Christ, but don't have Him. Paul said, "they
are blasphemers, they are heady, high minded, lovers
of pleasure, more than lovers of God. They have a
form of godliness but deny the power thereof, from
such---turn away."
I have trouble with that. John the Revelator said,
"I wish that you were hot or cold and because you
are neither, hot or cold, I will spew you out of my
mouth." God said, "I can't stand a half baked,
compromising Christian. Either be hot or be cold.
But be something so distinctive that the world will
know what you are."
What's the solution? The solution if for Christians
to live up to the New Testament standards. I want
you to hear this, the Bible says that "without
holiness, no man shall see the Lord." (repeat)
So the answer is a return to personal holiness. A
return to living according to the dictates of the
Word of God. A return to obedience to the Word of
God. Everything in the far country is an illusion.
It'll break your heart. It'll ruin your marriage.
It'll destroy your children. It'll crush you, it'll
shame you, it will cause you to stink like swine.
Live by this (Bible) and know the joy of the Lord
that maketh us rich and haveth no sorrow.
After his departure, notice the duality of God. A
certain may had 2 sons. (repeat) Why not 3, why
not 5. Why not 12 like Abraham? Two, because in
the Bible there is a principle of duality. A
doctrine of two-ness if you want to say it that way.
Moses said, "I have set before you life and death.
Choose life that you may live." Jesus said that
there were 2 builders. A wise builder and a foolish
builder. The Bible says that you are either saved
or lost. You are righteous or you are unrighteous.
You are walking down the broad way that leads to
hell, or the narrow way that leads to God. One of
those 2. You are either the prodigal son or the
elder brother. Every person in this room is
represented by one of these 2 boys. You are either
a sinner saved by grace, represented by the prodigal
son, or you are an arrogant, egotistical religious
peacock, full of yourself, home thumping your Bible,
belly aching about what God's not doing for you.
The elder brother.
Which are you? Saved or lost. The prodigal or the
elder brother. You are one or the other. Jesus
didn't say there are 3 propositions, there are a
dozen----There are 2! You are either saved or lost.
You're either in the kingdom or you are out of it.
You are not sort of saved. You can't be any more
sort of saved than you can sort of shoot a shotgun.
You are either saved or lost. It's that simple.
Joining the church doesn't make you saved. Giving
to the poor doesn't make you saved. Giving your
body to be burned doesn't make you saved. So every
person here is represented in this story. By the
prodigal or the elder brother. Where are you? In
the pig pen, then get up and go home. Are you the
elder brother? I'm going to take his shirt off in
about 2 weeks and I don't want you to miss it. If I
can make you loathe this creep, than I have done my
job. If you see anything in your nature that looks
like him, get it out, because Jesus look right at
His crowd, and understand this is a story that Jesus
the Rabbi is giving to a crowd of Jewish people and
He says to those who are Pharasees, "I want you to
hear this message, because I am painting your
picture in the elder brother story here."
The elder brother is what Jesus was driving at. And
He look right at them and said, "I want you to know
that tax collectors and prostitutes are going into
the kingdom of God before you do."
That's as strong as you can get it without hitting
them right in the nose. Where are you, are you the
prodigal or are you the elder?
Notice the prodigal's progressive deteriation. He
started off saying "Give me". He came home saying,
"Make me." He left home saying, "Don't fence me
in." He said, "I'm rich, I'm ready and I don't care
about the rules."
I want you to hear this, Sin is fun for a season,
the Bible says that. There is pleasure in sin for a
season, that's a Bible truth. But just for a
season. Sin is fun for a while. Sin is fun until
you get AIDS. Then you quit laughing. Sin is fun
until your hands are shaking in an alcoholic ward
and you see elephants and snakes in the room and
you're shaking and dying with DT's. Sin is fun
until you are in an abortion clinic flat on your
back murdering the fruit of your lust. It's not
funny then.
Sin is funny until your child walks thru the door so
hooked on cocaine, so hooked on drugs and his brain
is fried and he doesn't know his name or what day it
is and he can't recognize his mother's face. It's
not funny.
Notice the deteriation. While the boy was leaving
home he said, "I'm being independent." As he drank
and partied he said, "This is the life." When he
lost his money, he called it bad luck. When he
smelled like pigs, he said, "I've been a fool." But
when he finally got it down to the bottom line he
said, "I have sinned!" ( Repeat ) He nailed it on
the head. Notice the phrase, "when he came to
himself." It simply means that he had not been
himself. How can you come to yourself if you are
Think about that, "He came to himself". What does
that mean? It is the Bibles way of saying that he
was morally insane. That's what sin is. Moral
insanity. It make you think that life in the far
country is exciting, it's good, it's where the good
life is. I'm telling you It's where hell is, and if
you go there, it'll break your heart.
When he came to himself, he said, "I have sinned."
What is sin? The Bible says, "to him that knoweth
to do right and doeth it not, to him it is sin."
Sin is walking away from the Father.
Sin starts with a fascination, and then it has a
form and then it becomes a fact. Sin comes with a
desire for the far country. And then it takes a
form by leaving and then it becomes reality when you
smell the pigs and you are fighting them for
something to eat.
That's what sin does to you. Sin does not begin
with the act, it begins with the thought. Murder
does not begin by buying a gun and squeezing the
trigger. Murder begins with anger and bitterness
and resentment in your heart, that's where it
Adultery does not begin with a motel date, adultery
begins when you start to read Playboy. It begins
when you start entertaining those thoughts that are
less than holy.
Abortion does not begin in the clinic.
Sin is a cancer and you either get the cancer or the
cancer gets you. Sin is a leprosy, the Bible says
that. The knife of a surgeon cannot cut out leprosy
from the blood. And the only thing that can save
your spiritual soul, is the blood of Jesus Christ.
Solomon cups his hands to his mouth and cries,
"Fools make a mock of sin". Solomon says, "If
you're smart, when you see that cancer growing in
your soul, when you detect that leprosy that is in
your blood stream, run to the cross of Jesus Christ
and be forgiven and be purified, because if you
don't, You'll die in the far country."
When you reject truth, you have sentenced yourself
to believing a lie. When you have rejected God you
have opened yourself to hell itself. God has set
the plan into place and that is how it works.
The prodigal's decision - I'm going to get up and go
home and face the music. Verse 18 he said "I will
arise". Verse 20 "and he arose". What happened
between verse 18 and verse 20. I'll tell you what
happened. The devil leaped right on his back and
said, "Look, you're a Jewish boy, you have sinned
too far for your daddy to take you back. You first
wasted his substance with riotous living. He is not
going to go for that. You've shamed his name, but
even worse than that, you became a keeper of pigs.
You have sinned beyond your father's ability to
forgive you".
I want you to hear this. As you set there this
morning there is a voice in your mind is saying,
"your life is so far in the gutter, God can't reach
you. You have sinned beyond your Father's ability
to forgive you."
Look me right in the eye and let me tell you that's
a lie from the devil. Jesus will forgive you, the
Father wants to forgive you. There's a new
beginning in Jesus, if you'll say, "I have sinned".
There's a new start, there's a great life if you'll
go home to the Father. Try it.
When Jesus Christ died on the cross His blood did
not wash away some of my sins, it washed away all of
my sins if I'll but confess them.
The father saw him coming and he had the servants
bring a robe and brought him shoes. Why shoes? Why
give him shoes? Because it was illegal for slaves
to wear shoes. The boy came home asking to be a
slave. But the father said "give him shoes".
I want you to know that what the Father has planned
for you is a lot better than what you have planned
for you. The boy was willing to be a slave, but the
father said, "No way, he is going to be a son
again." Now get this, he was no longer a slave, but
he was free. The Bible says, "Whom the son sets
free, is free indeed." Some are going to walk this
aisle today and God is going to forgive you. I'm
telling you in one breathe, you are free from the
guilt of the past. You are free from the misery of
your past pig pen experiences, instantly by the
grace of Jesus Christ.
In one prayer, in one instantaneous burst of glory
the blood of Jesus Christ washes the sin away and
you stand clean and free from the guilt of the past.
You are free from the fear of the future, you are
free from the fear of other people. You are free,
because whom the son makes free is free indeed.
There is the choice however between verse 18 and
verse 20. He said "I will arise" and "he arose".
As I speak right now some of you are having a tug of
war in your heart. On one side Satan, the prince of
darkness, is saying "you sinned. You are beyond the
reach of the Father. The father in no way would
reach into the sewer where you are and save you".
That's a lie. That's a lie. On the other side is
God the Father saying, "If you'll come home I'll
kill the fatted calf. We are going to celebrate
like you have never seen. If you'll come home this
is going to be the greatest day you have ever lived.
and there is a tug of war there. You have to make a
choice. Because there is only 2 ways, Saved and
lost. Going to heaven and going to hell. Which way
are you going to choose.
Can we stand? Father, in Jesus name, let us see in
this powerful story, the pearl of the parables. The
gospel within the Gospel. The prodigal and the
elder brother and may the Holy Spirit now fill this
room, to convict us of sin and unrighteousness and
half-heartedness and compromise and bring us into
the fellowship of the Father, in Jesus name.
While your heads are bowed and the organist is
playing, how many of you here can say "pastor, I am
a prodigal son, I'm a prodigal daughter. I have
rebelled and I need to ask God to forgive me.
Pray this prayer with me- Lord Jesus Christ I ask
you to forgive me of all of my sins---and cleanse me
from all unrighteousness---I confess that I have
sinned---an am no longer worthy---to be called your
child---but I know that you will forgive me--and I
know that Jesus' blood will wash my sins away--and
so today by faith in Jesus--and thru the blood of
His cross--and thru the victory of Calvary--I
receive forgiveness for all of my sins--right now I
receive the robe of righteousness--that covers the
stince of my past--the ring and the shoes, that says
I'm a child of God--and now in Jesus name--by faith-
-in the Son of God -- I am cleansed