II Corinthians 5:9, 11a, 17

You know, over the years that I have served the Lord a lot of good things have happened, then there's been some things that have not been so good. There have been a lot of ways the Lord has surprised me. That's one thing that I have learned about God .... He some times surprises you. He really, really does.

I have the privilege of, now listen to this, I have the privilege of serving now as an advisor for a black foreign mission. And most of them are Baptist. Can you believe that. Me, with all those black Baptist people. One of the all time high points in my service to the mission, was the opportunity to preach to an all black congregation. I sure like to preach to those black brothers, they have a way of encouraging the preacher. And they don't worry about the time either. No way.

Just last year, in November, Louise and I went to the annual mission's conference. It was held at the Mt. Helm Missionary Baptist Church, located at 1602 North College Ave in Indianapolis. Now Louise and I were just 2 of 4 white people there. You talk about feeling funny. I sure enough did.

So prior to the conference they had a coffee hour. And I went back there with the pastor of the church and others attending the conference. And the pastor of the church said to me, "You want some coffee", I said, "No sir". He said, "I know why you don't want coffee" and I said, "Why's that?" "Cause it's black, ha, ha, ha," Now, I'm not lying to you, I'm not dressing this thing up."

Not long after that the worship service started. The worship service lasted 2 hours, but that wasn't bad, but during that worship service they took up 3 offerings. And they didn't send the ushers, you walked down. You left the pew by the center aisle, filed pass the collection plate, sitting on a table with a deacon in white gloves standing there watching you, and you proceeded to the other end of the pew and reentered.

So on the first offering I reached into my pocket and got my dollar, you know how preachers are. So I got my dollar and when it was my rows turn I walked down with the others and put it in the plate and the pastor was just standing up there clapping his hands. And that organ, they don't play by notes, they just have that certain rhythm. You know what I'm talking about.

They made some announcements, then they said they had some people going to St. Louis on a mission trip and he said they needed some money. And nobody said anything, and the preacher said, "Hello, Hello". He said, "We need the money". So they took up a second offering. I reached down and got me another dollar. Walked down the aisle with my row and the organ was going just like before. That preacher was up there just clapping his hands in time with the rhythm of the music.

So they had a prayer and a few other things and all at once he said, "Time now for our tithe offering". Boy they came to my row I just scooted back. That is the truth and I could tell you more about it. Louise and I will be traveling to Indianapolis on November 23rd to the Oasis of Hope Baptist Church, that's a black American Baptist Church, to take part in their missions conference again. Being on the board of directors, they want me to say something. I never dream that one of these days I would be on the board of black missionary group and would get to preach to them. What an honor the Lord has given me.

So my point is, when you say yes to Jesus Christ, you never know what doors He's going to open for you. You never, never know what opportunities may come your way.

The thing to do is to do the best where you are at what He has called you to do and be faithful to that, because you don't know what He's got planned for you and what He's preparing you for. So that's one thing that I've learned, in walking with the Lord and serving the Lord Jesus. You just never know what is around the next corner for you, as a believer in Jesus Christ and you need to be aware of that.

Now, I've got a Word this morning from the Lord. (phew) I'll tell you I'm as excited about this, cause I know some of the things I'm going to say. Now, not all of them. No, I've never preached a sermon knowing everything that I'm going to say. The Lord surprises me at times, I say things I hadn't planned on saying and then some times I say things the Lord hadn't planned on me saying. Well, glory.

I want to share this morning from 2 Cor. chapter 5. A very simple gospel message, based on 3 verses of 2 Cor. chapter 5. First of all, vs.9; "Wherefore we labor, that rather present or absent, WE MAY BE ACCEPTED OF HIM" "Accepted of Him"

And then vs.11; "Knowing therefore, the terror of the Lord, we persuade men...." Now that's point #2 of my sermon.

Point #3 is vs.17; "Therefore, if any man be in Christ, he is a new creature". Now the Greek language says; "Old things are passing away, behold, all things are becoming new."

We Baptist place a strong emphasis on what we call PERSONAL WITNESSING. Use to be we called it Personal Soul Winning. I was raised in a Baptist Church that placed a strong emphasis on every believer witnessing to lost people.

Throughout my ministry, I have maintained that emphasis in my preaching & teaching & in my life style. I believe the Bible teaches that every believer should be a positive witness verbally . . . verbally to a lost person. Now, I think we need to witness with our lives . . . how we live. But let me tell you something friend, THAT'S NOT ALL OF IT! We also need to learn how to communicate . . . the GOOD NEWS . . Of Salvation . . in Jesus Christ.

Now a lot of Baptist have guilt when it comes to this subject. They resolve in their minds, "I'm going to talk to people about Jesus" and they start out and they may do it once or twice and pretty soon, THEY JUST QUIT DOING IT. And they feel guilty. NOW WHAT WE NEED . . . IS SOME STRONG MOTIVATION.

I heard the story, in fact, I heard it a long time ago ... a story that happen, as we would say, out in the wild west. Now, I don't know how wild it was, but you know how we use words. In the days of the wild west. This prospector had come into this town & tied his mule up there to the hitching post, gone into the store, bought a few items & when he came back out, there was a young cowboy, about half drunk. Now, I don't know how drunk is half drunk, but that's how we say it. About half drunk, with 2 -- 6 shooters in his hands. And the young cowboy said to the old prospector, "Hey, mister, do you know how to dance?" Prospector said, "No, I don't" "Well, you better learn" and started shooting at that prospector's feet.

Boy, that prospector danced a jig. But while he was jumping up and down he was counting . . . 1 - 2 - 3 - 4, and got to 12, and then he stopped dancing. Went over to the saddle bag & pulled out a double barrel shot gun, laid that stock up to his shoulder, and pointed that shot gun right between the eyes of that young cowboy & said, "Mister, have you ever kissed a mule?" And that young man looked over there at that big eared, ugly mule, turned around and looked at that prospector and said, "No sir, but I've always wanted to"

Now, some times we need to be motivated. It is amazing what we will do . . . if .. properly motivated.

Paul was a soul winner. Made no difference where he was or in whose presence he found himself, he was eager to share with them what Jesus had done for him. And here was an opportunity for him to defend himself against charges that had been brought against him and they ask him, "Now, sir, what do you have to say in your defense?" And he said, "Let me tell you this. One day I was on the road to Damascus & the Lord Jesus spoke to me."

Now Paul was motivated. Now, I want to share with you 3 reasons, actually there are 6 or 7 in this chapter, but I want to share 3 with you.


That's the word, ACCEPTED. A-C-C-E-P-T-E-D. Accepted. Now let me start from a negative stand point. That does not mean to be accepted in the sense, to be included in the family of God. PAUL WAS ALREADY IN THE FAMILY OF GOD. He had already been ACCEPTED BY THE GRACE OF JESUS CHRIST, as one redeemed by the shed blood of Jesus. That's not what he's talking about.

The word really means, 'I WANT TO PLEASE JESUS!", that's why I witness. I SIMPLY ... WANT ... TO ... PLEASE ... JESUS. THAT'S WHY I WITNESS!

Now, ladies & gentlemen, we need to come back to that point where it becomes a priority in our life to please Jesus!

A lot of us are in bondage to the faults of other people & that has shackled us from really doing the Lord's will. We are more interested in pleasing others THAN WE ARE IN PLEASING JESUS ... GOD, . . . FORGIVE US!


God, forgive us, . . . that the acceptance of others has become more important to us, than being pleasing to our Lord & Savior, Jesus (quiet) Christ.

How long has it been since you have done some thing for some other human being & you did it just because you wanted to please them? How long? Now, I'm not talking about somebody's birthday, and you felt like you had to do something. I'm not talking about that. I'm not talking about your doing something that was expected of you to do it.

I'm talking about you doing something simply because you cared, you loved, and you just wanted to please that person or you hoped that it would. That's a beautiful thing to do. That's a fantastic thing, I mean, it's one thing to do things under pressure. You know what I'm trying to say? It's one thing to do something out of pressure & it's another thing to do it simply out of the want to in your own heart.

You know one of the things that's so thrilling about doing something for someone that pleases them, is that when you see that it pleases them - - that makes you so happy. And they may say to you, "Oh thank you, thank you, thank you. And you can honestly say to them, "I did it because I wanted to & I'm glad it pleases you & you being pleased, pleases me. But I did it because I wanted to". That's beautiful! And there's real joy in that kind of giving.

Paul knew what was truth when he said, "it's more blessed to give than to receive", when you give, when you want to give. It's fantastic. I don't know how much shouting goes on in heaven when we meet our budget here at Garrett First Baptist. I don't know how much shouting goes on in heaven because of our music ministry, but I do know this - - THERE IS GREAT REJOICING IN HEAVEN WHEN A SINNER REPENTS AND COMES TO THE FATHER.

I DO KNOW THAT PLEASES HEAVEN!!! ...................... ... ..... Paul said, "I witness because I want to please Jesus"


Because of the apprehension. What Apprehension? Paul said, "I know the terror of the Lord" And I know that my friends that die without faith in Jesus Christ are going to A DEVIL'S HELL. And I witness, because I have been gripped by that apprehension, that without Jesus, men are lost and going to a devil's hell.

Do you know one of the reasons why I carry car insurance? Because I am afraid some nut will run into me. Do you know why I have insurance on my house? Because I'm afraid it might burn down. Most of the insurance policies I have are based on fear. If I wasn't afraid of having a car wreck and if I wasn't afraid of somebody hitting me, I wouldn't pay them that money. If I wasn't afraid that my house might burn down, I wouldn't send all that money to that insurance man. If I wasn't afraid of getting sick, I'd drop my health insurance. But I'm afraid, . . . that I'm going to get sick. I'm afraid that I might run into somebody, my house might burn down & if it did and I didn't have insurance . . . . . then what would I do.

It's fear. That's why I'm not apologetic when I say to you, "It's healthy to have a fear of hell". Don't you let any preacher, don't you let any Sunday School teacher, don't you let any professor try to tell you that's it's not good to have the motive of fear in coming to Jesus -- IT'S OKAY!!!!

It's okay to come to Jesus out of fear. There is nothing to apologize for, for running down the aisle and crying out, I'm afraid to die because I am lost. There's nothing wrong. That's not being a 2nd class citizen in the kingdom of God. One of the reasons why this world is in the mess it is in today is because there is not enough fear of God in people's hearts.
Now, I've been to the Seminary & I graduated, but I'm here today to tell you, "It's alright to fear God". And I think it is a smart man, it's a smart woman, it's a smart boy, it's a smart girl who's afraid of dying lost and going to a devil's hell.

Like someone once said to me, "Preacher, are you one of those hell fire and damnation preachers?" And very kindly I said, "Yes, I am. Where are you going when you die?" And I wasn't trying to be smart, cause I said it in a very kind way.
But you are going somewhere when you die. You're going somewhere when you die. You're going somewhere when you die. Brothers & sisters, as best as I know what is truth, the truth is you are either going to heaven, the New Jerusalem or you're going to hell, the Lake of Fire & Brimstone.

And Paul said, "I have apprehension, because I know that people lost, who die lost will be tormented for ever and ever. Now I know that a person some times can burden themselves more than they should & I know that some times we can live with false guilt. But let me say this, "there are times that I have thought 'Oh Lord, if there would ever come the time where I would be the last Christian between someone & the gates of hell. If there ever comes a time in my relationship with a lost person, that on their way to death, I'm the last Christian that stands between them and the gates of hell. I'm the last human being the Holy Spirit can use to lead that person to accept Jesus --- Oh, God HELP ME NOT TO FAIL.'"

You know, if I'm the last Christian that comes in contact with a lost person --- GOD HELP ME NOT TO FAIL .. .. help me not to be so preoccupied with other things that I miss the call of the Spirit in my heart to say to that person "DO YOU KNOW JESUS? WOULD YOU LIKE TO TRUST JESUS AS YOUR SAVIOR?"

Cause if it has not already happened, it probably will & it may happen in YOUR LIFE, that you be the last Christian between that person & (quiet) the gates of hell.


The fundamental truth in my Christian life is, THAT LIFE CAN BE BETTER WITH JESUS CHRIST. Some times we just need to start over. What ever our past, what ever we've done.... THE BLOOD OF JESUS CHRIST CAN CLEANSE US FROM ALL OF OUR SINS . . . & WE CAN BECOME A NEW CREATION . . . IN JESUS CHRIST. THAT'S THE GOOD NEWS OF THE GOSPEL!!! I'm here today, because of the grace of the Lord Jesus. I preach today because of the grace of the Lord Jesus. I invite people to come to Jesus because of His FORGIVENESS.

I want to say to each one of you today, THERE ARE NO SECOND CLASS CITIZENS IN GOD'S CHURCH. Some times you run into those self-righteous Pharisees who want to treat you like you are second class, because they know something that's happened in your life, but if you have repented of your sin and trusted in Jesus Christ ----- DO YOU KNOW WHAT THIS PRECIOUS BOOK SAYS? "As far as the east is from the west, so far has He separated our sins from us" The blood of Jesus Christ does not simply cover up our sins. I can take man hand and cover up the head of this microphone, but once I remove my hand, the microphone is still there.

Listen, the blood of Jesus Christ does not cover our sins, the blood of Jesus Christ cleanses us of all of our sins & takes those sins away ... glory ... glory ... glory ... glory ... glory ... glory ... GLORY !!!

That's good news. That's why I'm glad I'm a preacher. And that's why Paul said, "I witness, I witness because that Samaritan woman can be changed. Praise God" That crook, that thief can be changed. Praise God. That murderer, Paul, can be changed. Praise God. That good little boy, who at the age of 9 came to Jesus Christ, can have a better life, because of Jesus living in him.

I know that my heredity has influenced me. I know that my environment has influenced me, but the greatest influence in my life ... is Jesus Christ. AMEN ... AMEN That's it, that's it.

Some years ago an evangelist went down, as I heard the story to a little town in Mississippi and while in that week's meeting, the pastor told that evangelist about a man in that town, who bore the name of John Wakefield. Some time ago John Wakefield had killed the sheriff of that county. Everyone knew that John Wakefield had murdered the sheriff. There was no question about that. But because of a technicality of the law had been violated in the way he had been arrested, some type of legal procedure ... John Wakefield had been set free. He was never prosecuted for murdering the sheriff.

During that week the pastor and the evangelist went by Mr. Wakefield's home. They talked with him, they witnessed to him and they got down to that point, that all of us get to, if we really witness to someone. "Mr. Wakefield, would you like to bow your head right now and ask Jesus Christ to saved you and forgive you and come into your heart & you turn your life over to Him?

Mr. Wakefield looked at those 2 ministers, and there was what I call that pregnant pause. If you have ever witnessed, you know, you know the feelings you can have as you wait for that person to give you the answer. Mr. Wakefield said, "Yes, I would" They said, "Fine, let's just pray. You pray if you want to or I'll pray and you repeat the words after me" Anyway, they led him to pray & he ask Jesus to save him. Pastor said, "Tonight we want you to come to the meeting and when we give the invitation, on the first word you step out and come." Sure enough, that night at 7:30, the word had already spread to some people that John Wakefield has accepted Jesus that afternoon & was coming to church that night. There was a little larger crowd than usual, as I heard the story.

The evangelist preached and gave the invitation & sure enough, John Wakefield stepped out on the first word & walked down the aisle & gave his hand to the pastor, cause he had already given his heart to Jesus Christ. Well, after the invitation the pastor rejoiced & said, now we are going to have our closing prayer & you'll want to come by and welcome John & share your joy in his profession of faith. So the pastor called on someone to have the closing prayer & while that person was praying, the organist, the woman moved from the organ, quietly walked over and stood in front of John Wakefield. As soon as the Amen to the closing prayer was said, John raised his head and opened his eyes, there stood that woman, with a big smile on her face.

And I heard that she said, "John, I'm so glad the Lord saved you. I rejoice with you & I welcome you into this church family. I am your sister in the Lord." She walked away & as she moved down the aisle 2 of her lady friends were standing back, toward the back, and they had watched what had happened. And one of them said to her, "I don't see how you could have done that." "What do you mean?" she said. "How could you have done that. I saw you. You stood right up there, you welcomed him, you smiled. How could you have done that? HE KILLED YOUR HUSBAND! We know he did, you know he did & yet you welcomed him. This man who killed your husband"

And the woman turned & looked back at others who were welcoming John & then she turned and looked at her 2 lady friends & she said, "That's not the John Wakefield who killed my husband. That's the new John Wakefield in Jesus Christ."

Now, brothers & sisters, I can preach that & I can teach that & we can say Amen to it. (quiet) BUT WE NEED TO PRACTICE IT.

And when those people come into our fellowship, whose sins are known publicly & they come repenting and trusting in Jesus Christ as their Lord & Savior may GOD HELP YOU & ME, TO KNOW ....... THAT ALL OF US ARE SINNERS .................... AND IT IS BECAUSE OF THE FORGIVENESS THAT WE HAVE EXPERIENCED IN OUR HEARTS, THAT WE CAN REACH OUT WITH OPEN ARMS & FORGIVE OTHERS.

Let me say something that may sound strange .... there have been times that it's been forgiveness that has moved me to repentance. ................. You think about that. Some times I repent & then I'm forgiven, but there are times that because I have been forgiven that I'm moved toward repentance.


Man was walking down main street one day with a wheel barrel full of fish. A man came up and said, "where did you get all those fish?" He said, "Well, I caught them out in the lake" "You caught that many?" "sure did" "how did you do it?" "Well, you really want to know?" "Yes." "Meet me tomorrow morning at 5 AM." Well, if it's in the morning, it has to be AM. So he met him. Man got him out there in his boat, and he said, "How did you catch those fish?" He just reached down under the seat & pulled out a stick of dynamite, lit it and threw it out into the water.

BOY, IT WENT "WHOOM"!!!! In a few minutes the fish started coming up to the surface of the water. They said there. And the other man said, "I've got bad news for you." He said, "What's that?" He said, "It's against the law to fish in this lake that way and #2, I'm the game warden." They guy just reached under the seat, pulled out another stick of dynamite, lit it and handed it to him and said, "Now, are you going to fish or just sit there and talk?"

Now, we Baptist are good at talking, but we need to do some fishing. One more statement .... when you fish, YOU GO WHERE THE FISH ARE

I use to live in an area where there were swimming pools everywhere. One of our members had a swimming pool and the people on either side of him had swimming pools, .... but I wouldn't go fishing there. You don't catch fish in a swimming pool. You've got to go ......... ...... where the fish are. And most of them, are not going to come here. That day has passed. If we are waiting for the lost people to come here, we are not going to catch very many fish ---- they have too many things they enjoy more to do then to come to church.

Some of you don't enjoy church very much and you've got the Spirit of the Lord --- wonder how a lost person is going to enjoy church and they know nothing about Jesus and the Spirit of Jesus. People use to come because it was the place to socialize, to see a girl friend or a boy friend or to just get out of the house & have a place to go. THAT DAY IS PAST. THEY'VE GOT PLACES TO GO.

The fish.... we've got to go where they are, but we won't go unless we are motivated.

Father, we want to be motivated --- what ever it cost us ... whatever things we have to re-arrange in the schedule of our lives ........ we want to be motivated. Whatever we have to learn to be able to do it. We want to talk to more people about Jesus. Lord, make us tough, so that rejection doesn't get us down. There will be people walk away saying no, but that want cause me to quit, but that will just reinforce in us a desire to keep on keeping on, until we find some good ground to plant the seed in. Lord Jesus, there are people who are lost .... and we want to please you. People going to hell. People whose lives could be a whole lot better if they just get in Jesus.

Oh, God in heaven, help us today ..... for this is our prayer. In our Savior's name, Amen

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