Matthew 7:24-27
Today's message is entitled, TWO BUILDERS. How many of you have ever built a new home? Let me see you hands. How many of you have ever remodeled your home? Nothing on planet earth will drive you crazier quicker. We all have a God given desire to want to build.
A young boy stole some plywood and the mother said, "you're going to have to go to the priest and make confession". And the boy went to the priest and said, "Father, I have sinned. I stole some plywood and built a bird house." And the priest said, "Well, at least you were thinking about our little feathered friends, it wasn't all that bad". And the boy continued, "But after that I built a dog house". "Well," the priest said, "That is getting a little worse, but at least it was an act of kindness" And the boy said, "After that, my father and I built a garage." And the priest said, "That is a lot worse, that's bad. We're going to have to make penance, do you know what that is?" He said, "No I don't, but if you have the plans, I have the plywood."
We are all builders. And there is an instinct within us that wants to build. When I was in the 2nd grade, on the final day of that year, the school teacher, Mrs. Pierce, a very godly Baptist woman, said, "Arthur, I like to talk to you before you go home today." And after all the other students were gone, Mrs. Pierce sat me down by her desk and with her eyes moist with tears and she looked into my face and said, "Someday, you are going to preach the Gospel. I will not live to see it, but you will. You are building a house, called your life, and God is going to see to it that you live within the house that you build".
And she told me a story that I have never forgotten and I want to share it with you today. She said, "A very wealthy man who had made a fortune building homes, went to the foreman with whom he had been in business with for some 30 years and said, 'we are going to build one last house together. I want you to make it the greatest house we have ever built. Spare no money, put the finest equipment in it. The finest materials, the finest furniture, spare nothing. I'm going to take a trip to Europe, I'll be back in a year. And when I get back, I want you to give me a tour of the house.
The boss left. The foreman said, "This is our last house. This is my chance to make a fortune. He filled a massive house with cheap materials, cheap products, cheap furniture. The boss came back, took a tour of the house. From the exterior it look beautiful, but its quality was poor. When they had surveyed the house, the boss said to the foreman, "how do you like this house?" And he said, "it's a good house". And he took the keys to the house and he put them in his hand and said, "This house is your house to live in".
And so God is saying to everyone of you, you're building a house and that house is your life and you are going to live in it. Whether you live in pain or in peace. Whether you live in the depths of depression or the ecstasy of delight. Whether you know poverty or prosperity, totally depends on how you build that house. The materials you use and the plan you follow. Jesus being a Jewish carpenter, gave this contractor seminar and said, "there are two builders, one wise, one foolish. There are two kinds of foundations, rock and sand. And there are two destinies, to stand or to fall." And that describes each of you.
Let us hear the Words of the Lord Jesus and then build our house so that it will stand the storm that's coming. (read Matt. 7:24-27)
(Mat 7:24-27) ""Therefore whoever hears these sayings of Mine, and does them, I will liken him to a wise man who built his house on the rock: {25} "and the rain descended, the floods came, and the winds blew and beat on that house; and it did not fall, for it was founded on the rock. {26} "But everyone who hears these sayings of Mine, and does not do them, will be like a foolish man who built his house on the sand: {27} "and the rain descended, the floods came, and the winds blew and beat on that house; and it fell. And great was its fall.""(Mat 7:24-27) ""Therefore whoever hears these sayings of Mine, and does them, I will liken him to a wise man who built his house on the rock: {25} "and the rain descended, the floods came, and the winds blew and beat on that house; and it did not fall, for it was founded on the rock. {26} "But everyone who hears these sayings of Mine, and does not do them, will be like a foolish man who built his house on the sand: {27} "and the rain descended, the floods came, and the winds blew and beat on that house; and it fell. And great was its fall.""
It didn't slowly deteriorate, IT COLLAPSED INSTANTLY, because of its shoddy materials, its plan and its building. Let's pray,
Father, in the Name of the Lord Jesus, let us grasp from the Word of God today, the precious trues of Jesus words, that we can build a precious and powerful life, that will bless all. In Jesus name we pray, and all of God's children said, praise the Lord.
As Jesus, the Jewish Carpenter opened this contractor's seminar, He made this first point. THERE'S A DIFFERENCE BETWEEN HEARING AND DOING. Say that with me.
Jesus said, "Whosoever heareth these words of Mine and doeth it". Jesus knew human nature. He knew that we listen to things, that we nod our heads, like rubber neck chickens, we agree with the speaker, then we go right out and ignore everything we just heard. How many of you have ever done that, let me see your hands . I said, how many of you have ever done that, next week I'm preaching about lying.
You see, church people go to church and they hear sermons and they nod their heads but they never go out and do things that they just nodded their head too. We say Amen to our emotions, then we go right out and practice what we are. Did you hear what I just said? We say Amen to our feelings and then we go out and 6 days a week practice what we are. No farmer ever gets his field plowed by turning it over in his mind. He has to take action. It is not enough to know. It is not enough to agree. It is not enough to say Amen. It is never enough until you do it.
The kids have a phrase now called "Just do it". Say that with me. Say it again. That's what Jesus is saying in Matthew 7, quit talking about it and JUST DO IT.
I ask you these questions; What is the difference between a church member who hears the Gospel and will not do it and Madillann O'Hara, who hates the Gospel and won't do it. THERE IS NO DIFFERENCE. What is the difference between the church member who refuses to read the Word of God, which is the blue print for happy lives, happy marriages, happy businesses, children and nations. What is the difference between the church members who refuse to read the Word and Satanist who burn the Word. There is no difference. What is the difference between the Church member who refuses to have a prayer life and the pagan that does not know how to pray? There is no difference.
Some of you here hear the Gospel every Sunday, Sunday after Sunday and you refuse to do it. Jesus says, "You are lost and without God. You are singing about heaven you will never see. You are great pretenders coming to the house of God on Sunday with a religious mask preforming what you are between 10:15 and 11:30. You profess the Lord but you do not possess the Lord. Jesus said, "Why do you call me Lord, Lord and not do the things I ask you to do."
The problem with Christianity in America is this; The kind of conduct that use to bring shame and disgrace, now brings a book contract or a TV contract or a movie contract.
Knowing without doing is like plowing without planting. Can you imagine a farmer going out and plowing up a 1,000 acres, putting his tractor in the garage and locking the door. Never discing it, never putting it into rows, never putting seed in the ground. He just plowed up a 1,000 acres. All he did was just waste his time. Knowing without doing is like plowing without planting.
We know the power of prayer. We know the purpose of prayer. We know the plan of prayer. We know the positions of prayer. But we don't propose to pray. We bow our heads and yes we ought to pray, but WE DON'T. Why? We hear, but we don't do. Jesus said, "the man who hears and does not do is building on sand". We know to tithe and we don't and wonder why we are in financial trouble. All our blessings come thru obedience not faith. Some of you have faith formulas for prosperity. Joshua 1:8 says, "When you shall hear the word and do the word then shall you make your way prosperous and then you shall have good success". But it comes by DOING, which is obedience.
We know to witness, but we don't do it. We know God's Word has the answer but we prefer to read the Horoscope or ask Ann Landers or ask Dr. Spock, for heaven's sake. We know to serve the Lord but we only want to serve Him in the roll of an advisor. We can teach, but we won't teach. We can sing, but we won't sing. Your treasurer in heaven wouldn't make a down payment on a used harp. Jesus said, prostitutes and tax collectors will get into the kingdom of heaven before you do.
The Bible says, "Be ye doers of the Word" Say that with me. "and not hearers only" It you are going to say Amen, then get out the next week and do what you said Amen to.
The question: WHAT IS THE QUALITY OF THE HOUSE YOU ARE BUILDING? I read an article in the paper the other day, that says there is an inordinate number of accidents happening in the American homes. Washington being Washington, they formed a committee to study why we are having accidents in the home. A committee that is going to get millions of dollars to study that. I can tell you why we are having accidents in the home. No one is there long enough to know their way around there. I just saved the government millions of dollars.
The first thing Jesus says in this parable is that EVERYONE IS BUILDING A HOUSE. And you are going to live in that house. And it's a life time job building the character that goes into the house that's you're building. In the house you are building every habit is like a timber set in place. Every emotion, every hope, every thought, every desire is like a cross member, it's like a wall. Our imagination is like a window thru which we see out of the house. You may think that what you do and say is unrelated, but it is wonderfully cemented together, as day by day the unity of self is being made. The structure of the soul is becoming reality and your house is taking form.
WHAT KIND OF HOUSE ARE YOU BUILDING? There is a vast difference between making a living and making a life. What kind of life do you have. Some of you have a fabulous living. You know how to make money, but you have a sorry life. You have no joy. You have no laughter, you have no love. Your marriage has become a cold war zone. There is no peace. There is nothing within your soul but loneliness and disappointment and disillusionment and depression. You're tormented. Life is not worth living. You are building on sand. And I challenge you to stop.
Turn to the ROCK, Jesus Christ, the Cornerstone, He is your answer. He can give you joy that's unspeakable and full of glory. He can give you peace that passeth all understanding. He is your burden barrier. He can solve the problem. He is the Prince of Peace. He is precious. He is lovely. He is full of grace and truth. HE IS YOUR ANSWER, TRY HIM.
There are two kinds of builders. Wise and foolish. Say that with me. (repeat) I think one of the most brilliant theological points is this one in Matthew 7. Jesus didn't say there was a good and bad builder. He didn't say there was a righteous and unrighteous builder. He said there was a wise and a foolish builder. The Moffit translation says "a wise and stupid. (say that)
In this light I want you to evaluate yourself. Not as being right or wrong, not as being righteous or unrighteous but as being wise and Now don't go home and say the preacher called me stupid today. No I didn't. 100 people may have, but I didn't.
What kind of families are you building. The Bible says, "Fathers, train your children in the fear and admonition of the Lord." Let me tell you something father, your child is going to become what you are. They don't want to be like the preacher. They don't want to be like the Sunday School teacher. They want to be what you are.
The solutions to the problems in our cities is not going to be solved by politicians on the other side of the Potomac, it is going to be solved by godly parents who are teaching their children the Word of God, that's what will bring this nation back together again and nothing else.
What kind of habits are you putting in your life? Your habits are like timbers and cross members in the house you are building. I'm not talking about being right or wrong, I'm talking about being wise and .
Are you taking drugs? You're a living dead person. You can't keep a job, you've lost your self respect, your good name is now a mockery, you are not wise, you are.
Are you smoking? Medical science says you are killing yourself. You are mastered by those little cancer sticks. Cigarettes are killers that run in packs. You ought to at least get the brand that gives the coupons so that you can get a free casket. We are not talking about right and wrong now, we are talking about wise and (pause)
Are you sleeping around? You are going to get AIDS. And I'm not talking about the chocolate dietary candy. You're not wise, you're (pause).
What negative emotions have you elected as the timbers of your soul and your life? You say you have resentment. You resent your parents, you resent your wife, your husband, your ex-spouse. You are not wise, you are (pause). Do you think they care how you feel? No they do not. Why are you so supremely stupid, because you are running around foaming at the mouth and grinding your teeth and ruining your life and they could care less how you feel. Forgive them, not for their sake but for your sake. YOU CAN HAVE JOY TODAY, FORGIVE THEM AND GET IT OVER WITH.
Are you filled with anger, and resentment and fear and bitterness and worry and the lack of self confidence. Stop it, you are a child of God. You are very special. You are loved. You are created a little lower than the angels. The royal blood of heaven is flowing in your veins. And what ever you have need of, God the Father said if you will ask it in the Name of Jesus, He will give it to you.
I am saying this to you in Jesus name, NO ONE CAN TAKE YOUR SELF WORTH OR YOUR DIGNITY AWAY FROM YOU UNLESS YOU GIVE IT TO THEM. Do not do it, you are a child of God, rejoice and live a victorious life in the Name of Jesus Christ.
Listen to this. These two houses from the outside looked alike, but they were not alike. A house can look strong and not be strong. It can tremble at the slightest wind of adversity because its materials are not good. A man or a woman can look strong and not be strong, because their inner core is filled with dry rot. I'm looking at near a hundred of you and from the exterior it is impossible to tell about you. I can't see the dry rot in your soul, but God can. I can't see the termites in your thinking, but God can. I can't hear what you said to your spouse or your children this week behind closed doors, but God can.
The Master Builder looks from heaven and inspects the construction of your life and He cups His hands to His mouth and He shouts with all of His fury, "THERE'S A STORM COMING, THERE'S A STORM COMING, THERE'S A STORM COMING----GET ON THE ROCK."
Listen to me. You do not prepare for the storm when it starts to rain.
That's too late. You prepare for the storm, when skies are blue and nothing looks wrong. Some of you are here today. You are wealthy by today's standard, you are healthy, you have friends and influence and you think nothing can take all of this from me. Tomorrow the phone can ring and the doctor can say, "the little xray that we took. The little knot is cancerous, you are in a battle for your life and suddenly, the storm comes.
You can go home today and the phone rings and the voice on the other end can say, "Your baby daughter has been in a serious auto accident" and suddenly your beautiful life is upside down and you are in a storm. IT'S TOO LATE TO PREPARE THEN. Today is the day to prepare. Hear this: Two foundations, rock and sand. Rock speaks of security, unshakable and solid. Sand speaks of things shifting, insecure and uncertain.
Listen. The man who built on the sand seemed to make the greater progress. His walls were up over night, he was putting on the roof, he was hanging on the doors, he was having a back yard barbecue, he was watching Monday night football, while his neighbor was over there digging thru the dirt trying to get to the rock. And he said to his neighbor, "what are you over there doing?" "I'm digging thru all this dirt trying to get on the rock." "Hey, chill out, kick back, don't be so intense about your faith in Christ --- it's a lot easier than that. My house is already finished.
Come over and eat barbecue with us tonight and get in the back yard and go swimming. NO, I'VE GOT TO GET THE DIRT OUT OF MY LIFE AND GET DOWN TO THE ROCK, THERE'S A STORM THAT'S COMING, I'VE GOT TO GET READY. There is something more to life then what you've got. Beware of instantaneous spiritual success. What goes up quickly can come down quickly. Don't stop digging until you hit the Rock.
The Bible says it rains on the just and the unjust. Bad things do happen to good people. It rains on the house built on sand and it rains on the house built on rock. The DIFFERENCE IS NOT THE WEATHER, the difference is how the house is built. I want to say that again. The difference is not in the weather, the difference is in how the house was built. Again, you don't prepare for the storm during the storm.
And in closing, these 2 destinies, because they are your destinies. To STAND or to FALL. Jesus said of the house on the Rock, "It fell not". And He said of the house on the sand, "Great was the fall of it." Will that be the epitaph of America, and great was the fall of it. Will that be the epitaph of your marriage, and great was the fall of it. Will that be the epitaph of your family, and great was the fall of it. The epitaph of your health. It will if you build on the sand.
Hardly a month goes by that I don't sit in the hospital with someone, or in their bedroom, or in some private Gethsemane of suffering--and I hear them sob as they go thru the storms of life. And most of them pray, for God to change the weather. Stop the rain, stop the flood. And I'm over in the corner praying, "God, I hope their foundation is in the rock." If their foundation is in the rock, they are going to make it. And if it's not, 10,000 preachers and a boat load of drugs are not going to help you. And great will be the fall of it.
So I come to you today, a man of God preaching the Word of God, telling you something very, very simple. You are building a house, it is your life and you are going to have to live in that house.
How are you building? How are you building? And how is your life? Is it falling apart or is it being blessed of God.
Can we stand to our feet. (prayer)
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