John 11:1-54; John 14:15-26
Posted July 16, 1999
Preached March 4, 1990, morning service
New Winchester Missionary Baptist, Danville, Indiana
A. Jesus was made flesh (John 1:1-4,14)
B. Flesh has its limits
1. Time
2. Distance
C. Jesus called to come to Bethany
1. Was some way off
2. Was some time off
D. When He arrived at Bethany
E. When He arrived at the tomb
1. Jesus doesn't do it all
a. Had stone rolled away
b. Had burial clothes removed
F. Lazarus raised
1. While Jesus was here, He wasn't there.
G. After Jesus death & resurrection
H. After His assention
I. No Limitations of the Spirit (John 14:15-26)
Have you ever, as a child gone to an amusement park
and as you were entering a certain, very important,
or at least important for you, ride, you found a
line painted on the wall. A sign said, "If you
don't measure up to this, you cannot enter". You
had to be that tall or you could not ride the ride.
How disappointing that is. You are limited by your
I got out of high school in 1957. I was very intent
on being a State Policeman. I sent to the Indiana
State Police and they sent me a package of
requirements and an application. I read through the
material and I came to the height requirement. It
was 5' 11". And here I was 5' 10 1/2". I missed
out because of a half an inch. I had been limited.
I could not become what I wanted to become because
of my limitations.
Jesus had just returned from the eastern side of the
lake as we enter the scene: Matt. 9:18-26. Jesus
had to travel to be were the girl was. But on the
way the woman of issue was in the crowd. She was
healed, then He went and raised up the girl and she
lived. He was unable to be in both places at once.
That is a limitation. He was unable to be in 2
places at once. Luke 7:11-16. It was thus ordained
in the providence of God that the witnesses of this
miracle should be many; the much people that were
with the Lord, in addition to the much people which
accompanied the funeral procession.
The circumstances of His meeting this at the gate of
the city, while being one of those coincidences
which, seeming accidental, are yet deep laid in the
councils of His providence, is at the same time a
natural incident, and is accounted for by the fact
that Jews did not suffer to inter the dead among the
living, but buried them without the walls of their
And Jesus touches the Bier and pronounces a prayer,
"Young man, I say unto thee, Arise." It is as if He
is saying "I, who am the Prince of life, who have
the keys of death and the grave, bid thee to live."
And Jesus delivered him to his mother.
What a miracle. What power.
Read John 11:1-54
Visit to Bethany divides period--Feast of
Dedication--to last Paschal week into 2 parts.
prepares for the awful events of the END--members of
Sanhedrin finally resolve on His death.
The raising of Lazarus marks the highest point in
Christ ministry.
It is the climax in a history when all is
maraculous--the PERSON-the LIFE--the WORDS--the
This work is a view of the Death & Resurrection of
Miracle-- In His Presence -- Disease & death are
If you can prove it is a miracle, it's not.
Jesus had the limitation of time and space. He
could not be in 2 places at once.
John 14:15-26
Jesus now has the ability to be everywhere through
the Holy Spirit, the Comforter. Greater is He that
is in you than he that is in the World.
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